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Lawyer with Clients


What we do

We facilitate premium financed life insurance cases for agents and advisors who need help with the process. We take care of it all from A to Z so you can close premium financed life cases.


We discover your potential premium financed insurance case. Why does this client need this insurance, what is the objective of the insurance, why are we financing the premiums instead of paying out of pocket?


Together we discuss financial planning, tax, product illustrations, financing illustrations and design the complete solution(s) for the client.


 We develop presentations, implement software, and personally present when needed at point of sale and throughout the entire process until the case gets closed.

Insurance Marketing Organizations are great but don’t have the time or the desire to teach you and walk you through the process of learning and selling premium financed life insurance. That’s understandable because they’re in the business of marketing insurance products and marketing ideas to agents and advisors. It’s not their model to teach agents and advisors how to be proficient in using premium financing as a way to fund a life insurance policy.


Life insurance carriers provide product support, product illustrations, and case underwriting. They won’t teach you and walk you through the process of learning and implementing premium financed life insurance. That’s understandable because they’re in the business of designing and issuing insurance products and insuring risk, they’re not going to take time to teach agents and advisors how to be proficient in using premium financing as a way to fund a life insurance policy.


Premium Financing lenders provide you with current loan interest rates, answers to basic questions, a loan application and a good luck wish. And again, that’s understandable because premium finance lenders are in the business of making loans. They know they don’t need to or want to teach agents and advisors how to implement a premium financed insurance policy to stay busy making loans.

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Largely, agents and advisors have had plenty of opportunity to use strategic premium financing as an efficient way to fund life insurance policies, but they haven’t known how to do it, how to plan it, how to explain it to clients. If they figured it out, they probably spent a lot of time to learn it themselves. Life Capital Strategies is changing that.

We’re not an IMO. There is no carrier contracting with us. We work with you however you clear your life insurance business now. If you want or need an organization in which to clear your insurance business through, we can make a recommendation.

Are you ready to get started?
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